Health Office
Welcome to the Elmhurst Health Office! It is our goal to promote wellness, student achievement and regular attendance.
This is accomplished through disease prevention and control, emergency care of illness and injury implementation of health screenings, management of health conditions, and access to health care and resources.
VUSD protocols in order to return to school after a student are as follows:
Student must be fever, vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours without the use of medicine to return to school.
Medications at School
Students are not allowed to carry prescription or over-the-counter medication with them under any circumstances.
In order for any type of medication to be administered at school, whether prescription or over-the-counter, the proper “Authorization for any Medication Taken during School Hours” form (Link district form) must be completed and signed by a physician. All medication must be in a properly labeled pharmacy container.
All students with an injury that requires a cast, brace, crutches, etc. need to check in with the health office as a doctor’s note may be needed.